OSE Children In Foster Homes

Statistical Survey

This survey is based on information submitted by OSE children for the souvenir album issued at the reunion of the children in March 1989 in Los Angeles, California and questionnaires some completed subsequently.

Contributors of Album Biographies and Total in Survey: 89



All 47 children who were sent to foster homes or orphanages supplied details of their placements.

Total Placements Boys Girls Total
Orphanages only 55 0 55
Foster Homes only 18 11 29
Orphanages and Foster Homes 11 2 13


Number of Foster Homes per Child
(Includes those who were also in orphanages) 

Boys Girls Total
1 Foster Home 9 6 15
2 Foster Homes 6 2 8
3 Foster Homes 1 2 3
4 Foster Homes 1 1 2
5 Foster Homes 1 0 1

Children in both Orphanages and Homes -13

Children in both Orphanages and Homes

Boys Girls Total
Orphanage and 1 Foster Home 6* 2 8
Orphanage and 2 Foster Homes 3** 0 3
Orphanage and 3 Foster Homes 1 0 1
"Numerous Children’s Homes"
[Number not given]
1 0 1


Marital Status Male Female Total
Single 1 2 3
Married 45 28 73
Divorced 3 2 5
Divorced & Remaried 4 2 6
No information 2 0 2


Number of Children Total
Married, no children 1
1 children 8
2 children 39
3 children 24
4 children 11
5 children 1

Total number of children born to 87 survey participants = 207



Education Level Male Female Total
Attended High School 2 1 3
Graduated High School 8 4 12
H.S. plus Vocational School Diploma 1 3 4
Some College 4 5 9
Bachelor’s Degree 14 4 18
Master’s Degree 8 1 9
Doctorate Degree 4 2 6
Other Post Graduate Degrees (MD, LLB, CPA) 7 1 8
No Information given     20*

* Includes 15 [7 boys, 8 girls] who survived war years in Europe, entering U.S 1945 - 1950


Occupation Male Female Total
Employed, various 12 7 19
Operate own business 12 5 17
No information 3 8 11
University Professor 4 3 7
Engineer 5 0 5
Accountant  (includes 3 CPAs) 4 1 5
Raised family 0 4 4
Doctor 2 1 3
Teacher 2 1 3
Volunteer Worker 0 3 3

Each of the following occupations or professions was listed by two persons:

Listed by one person:

Total exceeds 89 as several fall into two categories, e.g. doctor and university professor, beautician and own business.

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